I’ll be what ever y’all want…. It’s beats Stalker According to the United States Department of Justice (.gov), stalking is a pattern of unwanted attention, harassment.
1.What does stalk mean to a person?
-to illegally follow and watch someone over a period of time
2.What mental illness causes someone to to stalk you?
-narcissistic personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, and delusional disorders like erotomania
3. What causes a woman to stalk a woman?
-The primary motivation is to have an intimate relationship with the person being stalked.
4.Why do people claim to hate someone, but still stalk and spy on this same person?
-Hatred is an extreme emotion and those who are consumed with it tend to go to extremes and can become obsessed by the object of their hatred to the point of wanting to know their every move, often to find something to use against them and influence others to hate them too
-Cause they want to destroy whatever you have that's good. They don't have it so why do you get to have it. It childish shit. And they think they're better than the rest of us. That they're intitle to do whatever they want to you but don't do the same to them cause they can dish it but not take it. They think they're all big and mighty but really the week
-Most likely because they have sociopathic tendencies and they enjoy giving their victims pain and an uncomfortable life. Some of us like to take nature walks or something fun. Others like to plot and destroy others.
-Jealousy. Envy. Wanting to be that person, and all that person has. Hating the fact that the other person has something they themselves don't.
eg wanting to be the most popular person, and rise to a position of social power. They need to topple the person in that spot, so they can occupy the pedestal themself.
So they copy what that person does - they act friendly, joke around, put themselves forward as spokesperson for the group, organise others, etc. …because that's what makes the popular person so liked by everyone.
At the same time they put down that popular person, make snide comments about them, and despise everything they do that keeps the popular person on top.
They spy on them to find out 2 things: to see what they do that needs to be copied, and to get dirt on them to topple them from their position.
Basically, they are trying to replace them. They want what that person has. They want to be in that person's position instead of them.
Please tap in to your self help self love all answers are from quora.com get the mental help you nee
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